Your Ride, Your Voice

Imagine if every time you rode your bike in Denver, a light flashed at the City and County Building saying, “Another person is asking for bigger investments in bike infrastructure.”

We aren’t able to rewire the lighting in the Mayor’s office, but this week we launched a page called “Hey, Mayor Mike” that shows the total miles the Bike Streets Club has ridden since June 2024.

In just 3 months we’ve ridden more than 5,000 miles!


Every time you ride with the Bike Streets App, the number goes up. Each ride makes a difference. Your ride is your voice.

5,000 miles is the same as the distance from Denver to Madrid.

That number will grow as more people join the Bike Streets Club and ride bikes. And it will be a beacon for more investment in bike infrastructure.

Whether you ride by yourself, ride with friends, or ride in one of our slow group bike rides, every ride makes a difference. When multiple people ride with the App together, there’s a multiplier effect.

Our next group ride is a collaboration with the RiNo Arts District and ten neighborhood breweries, galleries, and more. The ride is 12 miles and up to 50 people can join. So on that ride alone, we could add 600 more miles to the total.

If we work together, imagine over time how big that number will get and how strong the call for more investment will become.


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