The Low-Stress Denver Bike Map

The centerpiece of our work features 500 miles of quiet neighborhood streets and trails. It’s been used more than 950,000 times since 2018.

Online Map


The basic version of the Low-Stress Denver Bike is free for everyone forever.


iPhone App

The Bike Streets Map for iPhone makes it easy to follow Bike Streets routes wherever you need to go.

The Bike Streets Map for iPhone makes it easy to follow Bike Streets routes wherever you need to go. Members get the full version.


Google Maps



The Bike Streets Map for Android makes it easy to follow the routes wherever you need to go.


The 2019 Printed Map

In 2019, we ran a Kickstarter and printed 20,000 copies of this map. They were all gone — distributed at 100 locations across Denver — within six weeks, but you can download a copy here.

The 2020 Not-Printed Map

In 2020, we planned to release a new version of the printed Low-Stress Denver Bike Map, but the pandemic intervened. You can download a copy here.